Monday 6 September 2021

Homework At Home

 Today we had a task for writing we had to choose something to write about and I have chosen to write about homework at home and will you please go and read my slides to see what why I Think homework at home is good for you so will you please go and read my slides beacuse i have added why I think it is good for you And will you please go ad read my slides beacuse it took my a really long time to write it down on the slides. Please keep an eye on my blog beacuse I will be writing about bullying at school and how to stop it.

I found it hard to write the words down beacuse when I look away form the piece of paper that I had written it down on I forgot were I was up to.

I found it easy to choose the images beacuse there were some many options to choose from.

Next time I would like to choose from beacuse I do not want to write about the  same thing that I have written about this time.

My learning object shows that I can insert a slide to my blog.



  1. Kia ora Cameron
    I really like the reasons you have used to support why you think homework is important. I agree that learning something new then going over it again later helps us to remember what we have learnt. Homework is a great way to get things finished that you have not been able to get finished in class and it beats being in chop chop ANY DAY!
    Ka rawe Cameron.
    Mā te wā
    Mrs Tamatea

  2. Cameron i am so pleased to see how focused you have been during the lockdown time. To see you wanting to achieve your best work by presenting it and having hands on activities and fun whilst also completing has been great to see. Keep up the great work by, yes following through with homework. Always a great way to remember by repeating things over.


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Thoughtful - a sentence to let me know that you have read, watched or listened to my blog
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