Thursday 9 September 2021

Coral Reef

 Today we had a task to make a slide about the coral reef and w have to talk to people about how to stop the coral reefs from dying will you please go and read my slides beacuse it will tell you lot of facts about the coral reefs and what is eating them and if you go and read my slides maybe you could help from stopping the coral reef from dying and maybe make the coral reef came bake to live so will you please read my slides and you could help maybe just a little bit. 

I found it easy to write the facts on my slides beacuse I have written the facts on my piece of paper and then just put it on my slides.

I found it hard to make the background perfect beacuse some of them where to dark and some wheir to light some were even really perfect.

Next time I will use different background to make it easier to read. 

My learning object show that I can insert my a slide to my blog.

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