Thursday 16 September 2021

Beatitudes poster

This week we had to make a beatitude poster for reading and the teacher had put a link on our group reading sight so we had to read the beatitudes and then write in the the poster. Luke and I have been working and we have not finished beacuse we have been talking and we were adding silly images and we were laughing to much. Iv you look at each slide there will be a beatitude and an image to go with that beatitude. 

We were learning to identify the characters and/or author’s point of view.

I found it hard to find an image beacuse I didn't know what to search to get the right image.

I found it easy to remember  the beatitude beacuse I could just go and ctrl-c the beatitude and go to the slide than do ctrl-v it.

Next time I would like to work with not my friends beacuse I am not getting my work done.

My digital learning object shows that I can insert a slide to my blog.

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