Thursday 2 September 2021


 We have been busy adding more of our compost to our gardens for mum so i thought it would be great idea to do a blog about composting to maybe encourage others to start one of their own.

The process of adding all the products to the compost is really easy and quick. You basically add the items and forget until time to mix in. To build a homemade compost can be very cheap and easy to make to get you started.

I found it really easy to dig the soil from the heap as it was so soft from being turned all the time.

I found it hard to push the wheelbarrow once fill as it was really heavy so i had to make it a bit less.

My wow factor is watching how quickly the plants grow once planted in this homemade compost.

My learning object shows that I can insert a slide to my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Cameron
    Composting is so good for our environment. I absolutely love your informative slide about composting. I really like how you have explained how to build a compost area in your yard this is great. Ka rawe!
    Ma te wa
    Mrs Tamatea


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