Monday 30 August 2021

Making Homemade Pizzas

 Today my mum gave me the challenge to make homemade pizza for the family for lunch. Mum got the recipe and I had to get all the ingredients out to make the pizzas and it was really hard and confusing. I had to to make 2 large pizzas for the family beacuse we love the homemade pizzas so much it is so yummy and nice. This is the first time I have ever made the pizza in our family and my mum has made it every other time.

I found it hard to make the pizza beacuse I have never made it before.

I found it easy to find the ingredients beacuse I know where they all are.

Next time I will try and make a better pizza beacuse I think I could do better.

My learning object shows that I can insert a photo to my blog.


  1. Dia dhuit Cameron,
    You have made me hungry! Your homemade pizzas look delicious.
    We have to make lots of pizzas because I have a big whānau but also because everyone likes different things on their pizzas. What toppings did you put on yours?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

    1. Kia ora Mrs Naden
      I have updated my blog I accidentally uploaded my photos instead of my slides so will you go and see my slides and you will see what toppings I had on my pizza.
      Ma Te Wa


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