Friday 28 February 2020

Term 1 goal setting

this is the 2020 learning goals that are Social Goal and Learning Disposition Goal and Academic Goal poua and i can be just like poua and mack new staff just like poua.

Thursday 27 February 2020

my lenten promise

Lent is a time for giving something for those in need,  I am  going to give money to the poor. it it is also about  giving something up. And praying this is getting us ready for Easter.   

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Hotuta Waka

And kiwa are some sea-voyagers and they came from a far far away land called hawiki and they came to Aotearoa on a waka called the Horouta and on the houta  and with them was poas sister Hinehākirirangi  and his daughter was Hineaku And kiwas Kahuanui was also armour all of the people on board and the hotota was a very fast waka and it carried the kumatha to Aotearoa and it was Hinehākirirangi’s to look after the kumatha hotoa sailed from hawaiki to Aotearoa and landed at Ohiwa whereby they hit a sandbar The hull and bow piece broke and the waka could sail prouply powa and kiwa spoke about how they would fix the houtota after many discussions they decided that kiwa would look after the waka and Powa Would look after the waka and Paoa to fix the Horouta. Kiwa made some minor repairs to the waka so it would be able to sail  when this was done. Horouta continued its course along the shoreline. Kiwa discovered a beautiful bay with birds animals, forests and sea life.While waiting for Paoa he named itTūranganui-a-Kiwa To commemorate the time he waited for powa to arrive Meanwhile Paoa climbed huge mountains, ran
through valleys and crossed rivers in search for the special timbers Powa came across a stream and their stode the  mighty tree he had founded the sotabol fix the Horouta waka.
He used the Waipaoa river to float the timber
down to the shoreline.
 suitable timber sPaoa finally arrived in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa.
It was celebrated by the union of his daughter
Hineakua to Kiwa’s son Kahuanui The descendants of these sea-voyaging
ancestors still live in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa today.

Friday 14 February 2020

All about me

Hi my name is Cameron and I go to Saint Mary's school. I am a year 5 and I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. my dad and my mum  and my sisters are l and and  is the funnest sister ever.

I am good at rugby and soccer and i am good at reading and that is it that is all i am good at i enjoy playing games and i enjoy reading and i enjoy playing with my brother and sisters all the time i love my family so is fun.

I am looking forward to reading math and cybersmart cybersmart is my favorite out of all of them and math is my second favorite thing to do and reading is my third favorite thing to do and that is all i like to do.